Bank for gene

Did you protect gene information by yourself?

Gene can change the world

We try to prevent all disease with genetic laboratory test.

Application development

We create iOS and Android application as a solution for social problem.

Business for JAPAN

We support you to start company in JAPAN.

As a genetic bank

MEDBANK contributes to preventive medicine through genetic testing. We also provide support for app development, system development, as well as assistance in establishing companies that wish to operate in Singapore and Japan.

Company information

Once you did it, Never give up.



Empowering Preventive Medicine Globally - Meet Yuki Okada, CEO of MEDBANK PTE. LTD.

I'm Yuki Okada, CEO of MEDBANK PTE. LTD. in Singapore. I focus on preventive medicine, particularly cancer screening. I've explored various countries, learned about social issues, and aim to create a healthy society through early disease detection and accurate medical information.


Bridging Health to the Future - Embracing Preventive Medicine and Genetic Information Management

Inspired by my grandparents' battles with cancer, I pursued medicine. Started Setolabo in Japan to provide early disease detection and medical information. Established MEDBANK in Singapore to manage genetic data, enabling personalized healthcare. Join us in creating a healthier future.


Genetic Testing, App Development, IT Consulting, and More

Comprehensive Services: Genetic Testing, App Development, IT Consulting, System Development, Agency Tasks, and Overseas Expansion Support

SERVICEMEDBANK can change the world

MEDBANK contributes to preventive medicine through genetic testing. We also provide support for APP development, system development, as well as assistance in establishing companies that wish to operate in Singapore and Japan.