Medbank News

Project for environment

MEDBANK is actively engaged in proactive efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a primary focus on three goals: Goal 1, “End Poverty,” Goal 11, “Create Sustainable Cities and Communities,” and Goal 13, “Take Concrete Action on Climate Change.”

In the realm of preventive healthcare, MEDBANK strives to prevent diseases by promoting a healthy lifestyle. Through regular health check-ups and the provision of health information, they aim to enhance individual health awareness and deploy initiatives to reduce the risk of disease onset.

Concerning cancer screenings and genetic testing, MEDBANK contributes to improving patient survival rates through early detection and tailored treatment provision. Aiming to realize personalized healthcare utilizing genetic information, they support risk assessment and treatment selection for cancer while incorporating cutting-edge technology.

Regarding early cancer detection in developing countries, MEDBANK supports medical institutions by conducting cancer screening campaigns and enhancing medical facilities, contributing to the realization of a healthier future.

Furthermore, MEDBANK is committed to app development for health management, supporting the understanding and enhancement of health conditions through recording and analyzing personal health data. By offering user-friendly tools, they assist numerous individuals in raising their awareness of personal health.

Moreover, they are dedicated to creating communities where residents can live healthily and securely, promoting city planning with environmental considerations. Through sustainable infrastructure and environmental awareness, they establish an environment that enhances the health and well-being of the population.

Lastly, they place emphasis on corporate activities that contribute to the environment, promoting initiatives to reduce waste and utilize renewable energy, thereby lessening the ecological burden on the planet. In addition to realizing a healthy society, they also contribute to the overall sustainability of the Earth.

Through these endeavors, MEDBANK demonstrates its proactive stance as a company addressing societal challenges, actively pursuing health and sustainability.