Bank for Gene

Bank for Gene

Are banks there for money? No! That’s not right! In the future, let’s also deposit genetic information in banks. MEDBANK has established a genetic bank to manage genetic information. The regulation of genetic information management is still insufficiently established worldwide. Genes are highly private information. Genes are the only information that uniquely identifies you. Genes do not change throughout your lifetime. That’s why it is important to securely manage genes in a bank, isn’t it?

The meaning of MEDBANK is associated with the concept of a “medical bank.” To maintain good health, it is necessary to manage one’s well-being. Leading a healthy lifestyle requires not only knowledge but also patience and effort. With the desire to support and safeguard health, MEDBANK was established as a bank entrusted with the comprehensive management of health.

While the overarching focus is on health management, MEDBANK currently places emphasis on genetic testing. Genetic testing involves examining a patient’s genes to predict the risk of future illnesses and to determine if a person is currently afflicted with any diseases. However, when conducting genetic tests, it is possible to examine all unrelated genes, even those that patients may not wish to know about.

Given the absence of a genetic bank for management, we, as providers of genetic testing, are also striving to fulfill the role of managing genetic information. Without a bank to store genetic data, researching genes anew when the information is needed incurs both time and money. By pre-emptively analyzing and storing your genetic information, we can readily provide it when the need arises. For instance, in the event of a sudden illness, having access to the patient’s genetic information allows for tailored and specialized treatment.

MEDBANK aims to establish the foundation for medical care looking ahead 20 or 30 years, ensuring that the current generation can continue to thrive and contribute energetically even if they fall ill in the future.


  1. Business for JAPAN

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