Bridging Health to the Future - Embracing Preventive Medicine and Genetic Information Management

I aimed to become a doctor inspired by my grandfather’s terminal cancer, and during medical school, my grandmother also passed away from cancer due to delayed detection. Through these experiences with close family members, I deeply felt the fear of incurable diseases and the importance of early prevention.

While studying in a regional hospital in Thailand, I noticed that patients with the same illness were being readmitted on the same day as they were discharged. This situation of patients going through repetitive hospitalizations due to the same illness is not limited to developing medical regions but is also occurring in advanced healthcare countries like Singapore and Japan. I witnessed this firsthand as a medical student and even after becoming a doctor. Many of these diseases are lifestyle-related, and preventing them at an early stage can make a significant difference. No matter how dedicated medical staff are in treating patients 24/7, there seems to be no end to the influx of patients. Through preventive medicine and medical education, I believe we can stop these diseases at the root and create a healthier society for tomorrow.

From this experience, I envisioned creating a healthy society with smiles through preventive medicine. So, in January 2019, during my medical school days in Japan, I started Setolabo, a venture aimed at supporting people’s health by providing early disease detection and accurate medical information.

In 2021, I expanded the knowledge gained in Japan to Southeast Asia and the world by establishing MEDBANK in Singapore. The name MEDBANK signifies a “medical bank.” To maintain good health, one needs to manage it. Leading a healthy life requires knowledge, patience, and effort. With the desire to support people’s health, we established MEDBANK as a bank that takes care of all aspects of health. While “health” is a broad term, we are currently focusing on genetic testing as well.

Genetic testing involves examining a patient’s genes to predict future disease risks or determine current illnesses. However, depending on the testing method, it’s possible to examine all genes, including those unrelated to the patient’s health concerns, which they may not want to know about. Currently, there is no bank that manages genetic information, so from our position as providers of genetic testing, we also aim to play the role of a bank that manages genetic information. By pre-screening and storing your genetic information, we can provide it when needed. For instance, if a patient suddenly falls ill, having their genetic information readily available enables us to provide personalized treatment immediately. MEDBANK is focused on building the foundation for medical care in 20 or 30 years, preparing the current generation to stay healthy and continue to thrive even if they become ill in the future.

I invite you to join us in creating the healthcare of the future, 20 or 30 years from now.


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