Application Development

Application Development

At MEDBANK, we are engaged in application development. While our main focus lies in healthcare app development, we are capable of developing applications for both iOS and Android platforms.

STEP1 Requirements Definition

In application development, it is said that the most crucial aspect is not the quality of the engineering but rather the requirements definition. No matter how skilled the engineers are, creating an application that is difficult to use or serves no meaningful purpose and lacks utility renders all efforts meaningless. Therefore, by conducting requirements definition, we can clarify what the target audience is struggling with and what they are seeking. At MEDBANK, our strength in requirements definition lies in engaging in discussions that involve various business consulting professionals, including active executives.Developing applications with a strategic managerial perspective is highly essential as it directly impacts how the application will be utilized.

STEP2 Design Phase

External design, also known as the design phase, is an important step in creating an app. During this phase, we plan how the app will work and look based on the requirements defined earlier.

First, we start with the “System Design.” This is where we decide how the whole app will function, what programming languages to use, and how to make sure the app is secure.

Next, we move on to “Screen Design.” In this part, we design how the app’s screens will look – the layout, buttons, menus, and where everything will be placed. It’s like deciding how the app will visually appear to users.

The third part is “Functionality Design.” Here, we figure out what features the app needs to have in order to meet the requirements we defined earlier. For example, we decide how the login will work or how the screens will flow.

During the basic design phase, developers create a document called the “Basic Design Document.” They share this with the client (the person or company who wants the app) to get feedback. This is an important step because it’s usually the last chance for the client to give their input.

Especially in a method called “Waterfall Development,” it can be difficult to change things later in the design, so it’s crucial to make sure the client’s wishes are included from the beginning. If you were the client, you would want to check if your requirements are properly reflected in the design to avoid any issues later on.

STEP3 Detailed Design

Detailed design is the process of taking the clear specifications established in the basic design and turning them into a format that programmers can understand – the design documents outline “how to actually build it.” Detailed design can be broken down into three main types:

Data Design: When using a database to store information, data design involves tasks like creating tables to organize information and deciding how data will flow between different parts of the system.

Module Design: To facilitate reusability and combination of functions, the program is divided into independent units or modules.

Program Design: This type involves specifying the exact steps and procedures for creating the program.

Detailed design essentially serves as a bridge between the design team and the programmers. Designers need to create detailed plans that can be comprehended by programmers, ensuring that they can work efficiently. The goal is to express the design specifics clearly in words and diagrams, making it easy for the programming team to bring the envisioned system to life.

STEP4 Creating and Developing an App

Once the decisions made during the detailed design phase are documented in the detailed design document, we initiate the process of creating and developing the app. Using the accumulated design documents and information from previous stages as our guide, we advance with the programming tasks. It’s important to note that introducing abrupt changes during this creation and development stage could lead to disrupting the established design, potentially necessitating a restart. It is crucial to remain faithful to the design specifications and conduct the development accordingly.

Furthermore, the development environment and choice of programming language can vary based on the specific device for which the app is intended.

For instance, if we’re developing an iOS app, we will require a Mac computer, Xcode (Apple’s app development software), an iPhone, and an Apple Developer Program subscription. The programming language used in this case is “Swift,” developed by Apple.

On the other hand, when developing an Android app, the essentials include a computer (not necessarily a Mac), Android Studio (Google’s app development software), an Android device, and a Google account. The programming language commonly utilized is “Java.”

It’s important to remember that the development environment and programming language may differ depending on the targeted platform – be it iOS or Android. Choosing the appropriate tools is essential to ensure a smooth app development process.

STEP5 App Testing

Once the development of the app is completed, we conduct tests to ensure it operates as designed. This involves checking if aspects such as screen layout and interactions are functioning correctly, and verifying processing speed and user-friendliness. For mobile apps, it’s also important to confirm whether errors occur, such as sudden battery drain or network disconnections, while the app is being used. After testing the finer details and confirming there are no issues, we proceed to integrate various functions to assess if screen transitions and data exchange work smoothly, culminating in an overall comprehensive test.

While testing might not always receive significant emphasis in software development, it becomes an essential phase when crafting apps for business purposes. Apps that offer poor user experience or frequently encounter malfunctions can potentially damage a company’s credibility. Furthermore, app malfunctions leading to user data leakage or other problems could escalate into compensation issues. Hence, comprehensive testing is a crucial process that cannot be overlooked.

STEP6 App Release

App release refers to making the app available to the general users once comprehensive testing has confirmed that there are no significant issues.

The methods of releasing a web app and a mobile app differ. For a web app, you can release it quickly by securing a server and domain. This means you can upload the app files to a server and make it accessible to the public.

On the other hand, for a mobile app, you need to submit it for approval to an app store (such as Google Play or Apple App Store). The app store conducts a review, and once it determines that there are no problems, the app becomes downloadable for the general users.

After the release, it’s important to gather feedback from users and make updates or fixes as necessary. Continuously improving the app and adding new features aims to provide users with a satisfying experience.

STEP6 App Operation and Maintenance

After an app is released, it enters a phase of operation and maintenance. Operation involves monitoring and daily upkeep to ensure smooth functioning, while maintenance addresses issue resolution, recovery, and system improvements. This ongoing process ensures the app’s quality and performance are upheld over time. It includes monitoring performance, regular updates, bug fixes, enhancing user experience, and adapting to changing demands, all to provide a seamless and satisfying user experience while maintaining app quality.

  1. Monitoring: Keeping a watchful eye on the app’s performance, uptime, and any potential issues that may arise. This ensures that the app is functioning properly and efficiently.
  2. Routine Maintenance: Performing regular updates, patches, and fixes to address any bugs, security vulnerabilities, or compatibility issues that might emerge.
  3. Issue Resolution: Investigating and resolving any problems or errors that users encounter while using the app. This may involve identifying the root causes of issues and implementing solutions.
  4. Enhancements: Continuously improving the app based on user feedback and changing needs. This could include adding new features, optimizing performance, and enhancing user experience.
  5. Scalability: Adapting the app to accommodate increasing numbers of users or changing demands without compromising its performance.





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